R Srinath
3 min readJul 20, 2020

No other clothing, in recent times, has gained as much attention as the mask has — in just a months’ or even weeks’ time. The only etching memory of the mask in our lives, thus far, would possibly be of superheroes (such as Spiderman or an Ironman) and burglars in movies wearing one.

Cut to the fateful year 2020, masks have become an integral part of people’s outfits while venturing out of their homes. While masks have proven to be a vital tool in breaking the chain of infection spread, they, on the other hand, stand to pose the death knell on a multitude of businesses and products — ranging from nose-hair trimmers to paint manufacturers.

The cosmetics industry, for instance, if it doesn’t diversify — could just vanish in thin hair. Consider the case of lipsticks/lip balms — a go-to cosmetic for women — especially for their user-friendliness and efficacy — don’t look to fit the bill in the mask-clad human’s world. Soon skin-tone foundation, face lotions, creams, face-wash among others are likely to become obsolete, with masks covering a significant part of the face.

The make-up salons are also likely to face a similar fate. Be it the blackheads — whiteheads or the acne, masks are so potently capable of masking the skin defects that people would stop bothering over. This also implies that cosmetic surgeons will also face their share of pain as nose jobs and lip jobs are less likely to come under consideration.

It is high time that the cosmetics, make-up, and the facial beautification industry shed their complacency and turn to work on the much-neglected forehead part of the face to salvage their pride and business. Of course, they still retain the eye region of the face — which will keep them in the hunt.

Furthermore, the entire advertisement industry dealing with cosmetics and beauty products stands to lose its relevance with the advent of masks. For it to redeem from this rout, it will have to neatly switch to mask, sanitizer, and hand wash products.

It also makes little sense for fashionistas to still crave for the nose-rings when the more sought after ear-rings themselves stand to lose their sheen as a mask’s ear loop tends to obstruct the beauty of drop earrings. The jewelers and goldsmiths, perhaps, can turn to eye-brow piercings for diversification.

Coming to the use of nose hair trimmers; with the mask on, even the nose hair growth out of nostrils gets masked and hence, it might soon lose its relevance in our society.

People used to have a thing for the clean-shaven look; not anymore, quite understandably. Barbers will soon have to remain confined to the hair cutting business as shaving off beards is going to be a thing of the past. This will in turn have a ripple effect on the industries dealing with shaving blades, shaving creams, after-shave lotions among others. Such industries can alternatively try venturing into beard combs and beard creams.

There is also a strong sense about mask-clad humans chomping on tobacco and pan masala — finding it increasingly hard to spit the remains, as is their habitual action. Their inability to spit frequently entails a huge loss — right from the tobacco/pan masala manufacturing company to the local tobacco/pan vendors including the supply chain handling it.

Also not to forget the paint manufacturing industries and the painters who have over time tremendously benefited from the habitual spitters.

The masks worn by superheroes gave them their macho persona. The makeshift masks served as an identity to the burglars. Birthday masks brought joy to children. The current crop of masks threatens the very existence of their ancestors. Sob!

And lastly, two-minute silence for the product which has stood the test of time — serving humanity amid stiff competition from neckties and shirt sleeves, the much ignored, the much misused and the much ill-treated — the handkerchief — which faces sudden extinction.

Disclaimer: The piece is purely a satirical work depicted through a fictional prism. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead or to an entity is purely coincidental.

Originally published at https://www.brookofideas.com on July 20, 2020.

